
Hey There!

I'm Kirsten

I’m a Minnesota mom to 3 adult children, and have been married to Kerry for 33 years! 

I homeschooled for 20 years.  As a mom on a 20 acre hobby farm, I  was addicted to Snicker bars and hazelnut coffee creamer.  I pretty much felt like crap all of the time.  I wasn’t able to think clearly, I was fatigued and I had foggy brain.  Do you ever feel like your brain is in a dream state? Yeah, that was me.

I never thought in a million years I’d be sharing how I cracked the code on the nasty symptoms of hormonal imbalance and am now able to help women get their confidence back!

I went From Frumpy to Sassy

You can too!

My Journey

When I was 35, I looked at women 10 years my senior and said “Oh, Dear Lord, I do NOT want to go through menopause like that!” Sleepless nights, moodiness, brain fog, no sex drive, weight gain, BACK FAT! UGH!

By the time I was 45, crazy symptoms including my ORIGINAL red flag, brain fog, was fully exposed and I knew I needed a solution.

It was at that time that I was introduced to herbal supplements that helped me multitask.  Thank God! I soon found that they also dumped out the brain fog and turned my moody self back into a kinder, gentler version of a human. 

My mind literally became more bright!

Now I’m 55 and I know that if I can help you navigate the negative side effects of hormonal imbalance, dump your foggy brain and get your confidence back, you’ll be a better mom, wife, and be more present with your family. 

Is brain fog high jacking your confidence and making  you question your abilities?  Let me tell you about 3 simple strategies I use every single day! Click Below for a FREE 10 minute video.

From dark & foggy to bright & clear!

ocean, sea, water
background, beach, beautiful